Estás en Chile  Lakes and Volcanoes  Temuco 

History of Temuco

The city of Temuco is located in the Araucanía Region, in southern Chile.

It was founded in 1881 during the so-called "Pacification of Araucanía", a process of occupation and colonization of the Mapuche territory by the Chilean State.

Temuco is considered one of the most important cities in the region, with a wide cultural and tourist offer.

The city is known for its craft fair on Alemania avenue, its municipal market and its cathedral.

In the center of the city is the Plaza Aníbal Pinto, where the famous statue of Cacique Curivilu, an important Mapuche leader, is located.

In addition, in the vicinity of the city you can visit various places of tourist interest such as the Conguillío National Park, the Villarrica Volcano, the Manzanar Hot Springs and Villarrica Lake.

Getting to Temuco can be done by road, either in your own vehicle or by bus from Santiago or from other nearby cities. There is also an airport in the city with regular flights from different parts of Chile.

See more about the history of Temuco

See also information on Villarrica.

Places to visit in Temuco

Tourism notes in Temuco

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