Estás en Chile  Central Chile  Concepción 

Overview of Concepción

Concepción is a city located in the center-south of Chile, in the Biobío region.

It is the second largest city in the country and an important cultural, educational and commercial center. The city has a rich history that dates back to pre-Columbian times and is marked by events such as the 2010 earthquake.

Among the tourist attractions of the city are the Cathedral of the Holy Conception, the Ecuador Park, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Alonso de Ercilla Pedestrian Walk.

The city is known for its gastronomy, especially for fresh seafood and fish.

To get to Concepción, you can take a flight to Carriel Sur International Airport, located about 8 km east of the city, or take a bus from other nearby cities. The city also has a railway station.

Concepción is located on the Pacific coast, about 500 km south of Santiago. It is located close to other popular tourist attractions, such as the Nahuelbuta National Park and the coastal city of Tomé.

See more about the history of Concepción

Places to visit in Concepción

Tourism notes in Concepción

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