Estás en Chile  Central Chile  Los Ángeles 

Overview of Los Ángeles

Los Angeles is a city located in the Biobío region, in southern Chile.

It is known as the "City of the Four Rivers", since it is located at the confluence of the Laja, Tucapel, Bureo and Lleu Lleu rivers.

Among its tourist attractions are the Plaza de Armas, the Los Angeles Cathedral, the Claudio Arrau Museum, the Laguna del Laja National Park and the Antuco Ski Center.

To get to Los Angeles you can take a flight from Santiago to the Carriel Sur airport in Concepción, and then take a bus or drive for about 1.5 hours. It can also be reached by bus directly from Santiago on a trip that lasts about 7 hours.

The city is in a strategic position to explore the Biobío region, located about 500 km south of Santiago. It is surrounded by mountains and has a temperate climate, with hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters.

See places to visit in Los Ángeles

See also information on Concepción y Laja.

Places to visit in Los Ángeles

Tourism notes in Los Ángeles

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