Estás en Chile  Chilean Patagonia  Puerto Natales  Hostels

Hostels en Puerto Natales

A tourist staying in a hostel in Puerto Natales will find a friendly and sociable environment, ideal for meeting other travelers.
You can also enjoy cheap accommodation and a variety of services such as shared kitchen, common areas and excursions organized by the hostel. You can expect clean and comfortable shared and private rooms, as well as the ability to get local tips and recommendations from the Puerto Natales hostel staff.
Erratic Rock Hostel Baquedano 719
Hostal Alcázar M. Balmaceda, 722
Hostal Arkya Manuel Bulnes 1494
Hostal Bulnes Manuel Bulnes 407
Hostal Chorrillos Galvarino esq. Chorrillos 598
Hostal Reymar Baquedano 414
Hostal South Wind Eberhard 568
Hostel Nikos II Adventure Bernardo Phillipi 528
Kau Patagonia Lodge Pedro Montt 161
Nancy Hostal Eleuterio Ramírez 540
Patagonia Bed And Breakfast Prolongacion Avda España Huerto Nº 82 B
The Singing Lamb Arauco 779
Tin House Patagonia Miraflores 616
Yaganhouse O´Higgins 584 Puerto Natales
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