Estás en Chile  Chilean Patagonia  Puerto Williams 

History of Puerto Williams

Puerto Williams is a small city on Navarino Island, in southern Chile, and is considered the southernmost city in the world.

It was founded in 1953 and owes its name to the British sailor John Williams, who explored the region in the 19th century. Initially it was established as a naval base, and later it became a city open to the general public.

Over the past few years, Puerto Williams has become a popular destination for tourists looking to explore the natural beauty and wildlife of the southern tip of Chile, as well as for adventurers heading to Cabo de Hornos National Park.

Additionally, it is a major port of entry for cruise ships sailing around Cape Horn and Antarctica.

See places to visit in Puerto Williams

Places to visit in Puerto Williams

Tourism notes in Puerto Williams

Descubriendo Puerto Williams, la ciudad más austral del mundo

Situada en la Isla Navarino, en la Región de Magallanes, Puerto Williams es conocida por ser la ciudad más austral del mundo. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, ofrece a los visitantes una variedad de atractivos turísticos que valen la pena conocer. Una de las principales atracciones de Puerto Williams es el Parque Etn...
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Punta Arenas
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