Estás en Chile  Chilean Patagonia  Puerto Williams  Hostels

Hostels en Puerto Williams

A tourist staying in a hostel in Puerto Williams will find a friendly and sociable environment, ideal for meeting other travelers.
You can also enjoy cheap accommodation and a variety of services such as shared kitchen, common areas and excursions organized by the hostel. You can expect clean and comfortable shared and private rooms, as well as the ability to get local tips and recommendations from the Puerto Williams hostel staff.
Hostal Coirón Ricardo Maragaño 168
Hostal Paso Mckinlay Piloto Pardo 213
Hostal Cabo de Hornos Ricardo Maragaño 146
Hostal Akainij Calle Austral 22
Hostal Yagán Piloto Pardo 260
Hostal Patagonia Yelcho 220
Hostal Pusaky Piloto Pardo 222
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