Estás en Chile  Central Chile  Victoria 

Overview of Victoria

Victoria is a city located in the Araucanía region in Chile.

Surrounded by an impressive natural beauty, it is located at the foot of the Andes mountain range and is crossed by the Traiguén and Malleco rivers.

It is known for its araucaria forests, which are a species of conifer endemic to southern Chile.

The city has numerous tourist attractions such as the Araucanian Museum, which exhibits pre-Hispanic objects and Mapuche culture; the Ñielol hill, where you can appreciate a panoramic view of the city and the mountains; and the Sendero de Chile ecological reserve, which offers nature walks and bird watching.

To get to Victoria from Santiago, you can take a flight to Temuco and then a bus to Victoria, which is about 70 km north of Temuco.
It can also be reached by bus from Santiago, a trip that takes around 8 hours.

Victoria is located in the geographic center of Chile, about 650 km south of Santiago and about 120 km north of Temuco.

See places to visit in Victoria

See also information on Temuco.

Places to visit in Victoria

Tourism notes in Victoria

Descubre Victoria, la Ciudad del Sol

Victoria es conocida como la "Ciudad del Sol", es una hermosa ciudad ubicada en la región de la Araucanía en Chile. Esta ciudad cuenta con una rica historia y cultura mapuche, además de ser un destino turístico muy popular debido a sus atractivos naturales, históricos y culturales. Entre los principales atractivos de Victoria se encuentran sus hermosas plazas y parques, como la Plaza de Armas, el Parque Las Peñas y el Parque...
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