Estás en Chile  Islands of Chile  Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé 

History of Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Chonchi is a commune located on the Island of Chiloé, in the Los Lagos Region of Chile.

The area was inhabited by the Chonos indigenous people and later by the Chilotes.

Chonchi was officially founded in 1767 and was one of the main ports on the island during colonial times.

During the 19th century, the city became an important agricultural and livestock center.

In the year 1960, Chonchi was severely affected by the largest earthquake recorded in history, which caused serious damage to the city.

Since then, work has been done on the restoration and conservation of its architectural heritage, especially its churches, which were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000.

Currently, Chonchi is a tourist attraction due to its rich history and cultural heritage, as well as its beautiful natural landscapes and its local cuisine.

See more about the location of Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Places to visit in Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

Tourism notes in Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé

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Archipiélago de Chiloé fue catalogado por la prestigiosa revista de viaje “Travel & Leisure”, entre los 50 mejores lugares del mundo para recorrer en el año 2016, por sus atractivos y excelentes lugares para visitar. Ruta Pingüineras y de Delfines se posiciona como uno de los principales atractivos para quienes visiten el Archipiélago de Chiloé. Se puede realizar la navegación por sus innumerables islas e islotes ...
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