Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is a Chilean island located in Polynesia, about 3,700 km off the coast of mainland Chile.
The main city is Hanga Roa, which is located on the western coast of the island.
The most popular tourist attractions are the moai, ancient stone statues found throughout the island, as well as the ahu, ceremonial platforms where the moai are placed.
Other attractions include petroglyphs, caves and white sand beaches.
To get to Easter Island, you can take a flight from Santiago de Chile or from Tahiti.
The flight takes around 5 hours from Santiago and around 6 hours from Tahiti.
Easter Island is a remote and unique island with a rich culture and fascinating history.
It is a must-see for lovers of archeology and Polynesian culture, as well as for those looking for an escape from urban life and connection with nature.
See more about the history of Isla de Pascua / Hanga Roa
See also information on Santiago de Chile.