Estás en Chile  Islands of Chile  Isla Mocha 

Overview of Isla Mocha

Isla Mocha is a small Chilean island located off the coast of the Biobío Region, in the center-south of the country.

It is characterized by its natural beauty, which includes beaches, cliffs, forests and a warm climate.

The island is a popular destination for nature and adventure tourism, and is known for bird watching, surfing, and sport fishing.

To get to Isla Mocha, you must take a ferry from the city of Tirúa, located about a 2-hour drive south of Concepción.
The ferry has a limited capacity and usually operates on specific days, so it is advisable to book in advance.

Once on the island, you can access the different tourist attractions by hiking, biking or in all-terrain vehicles.

Mocha Island is a remote and isolated place, which has given its history a special character.

Since pre-Hispanic times, the island has been inhabited by the Mapuches, who have resisted the Spanish conquest and Chilean colonization.

The island was also a meeting point for pirates in the 17th century, who found refuge in its bays.

Currently, Isla Mocha is recognized as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and is under environmental protection by the Chilean State.

See more about the history of Isla Mocha

See also information on Concepción.

Places to visit in Isla Mocha

Tourism notes in Isla Mocha

Isla Mocha, un paraíso natural por descubrir

Situada en la región del Biobío, en la costa central de Chile, se encuentra la hermosa Isla Mocha, un destino turístico ideal para los amantes de la naturaleza y la aventura. Esta isla, que forma parte de la Reserva Nacional Isla Mocha, es conocida por su belleza natural, sus playas de arena negra, sus bosques de vegetación exuberante y su fauna endémica. Cómo llegar a Isla Mocha Para llegar a Isla Mocha, es necesario tomar un ferry d...

Isla Mocha, un tesoro por descubrir en la costa del Biobío

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