Estás en Chile  Northern Chile  La Herradura 

History of La Herradura

La Herradura is a fishermen's cove located in the commune of Coquimbo, in the Coquimbo Region of Chile.

During pre-Hispanic times, the cove was used by the local inhabitants as a natural port for commercial and fishing activities.

Later, during the colonial era, La Herradura became an important port for the export of agricultural products and minerals from the area.

In the 19th century, during the War of the Pacific, the cove was the scene of important confrontations between the Chilean and Peruvian forces.

Today, La Herradura is an important tourist and fishing center in the region, and is known for its wide range of restaurants and for the beauty of its beaches and natural landscapes.

See places to visit in La Herradura

Places to visit in La Herradura

Tourism notes in La Herradura

La Herradura: el paraíso de la playa en la región de Valparaíso

La Herradura es una hermosa localidad ubicada en la región de Valparaíso. Conocida por su belleza natural, su clima cálido y sus playas de arena fina, es un destino turístico popular tanto para los locales como para los visitantes internacionales. La Playa de La Herradura es sin duda el atractivo más conocido de e...
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