Estás en Chile  Lakes and Volcanoes  Pucón  Hostels

Hostels en Pucón

A tourist staying in a hostel in Pucón will find a friendly and sociable environment, ideal for meeting other travelers.
You can also enjoy cheap accommodation and a variety of services such as shared kitchen, common areas and excursions organized by the hostel. You can expect clean and comfortable shared and private rooms, as well as the ability to get local tips and recommendations from the Pucón hostel staff.
Hostal Pucón Sur Blanco Encalada 145 (frente terminal Tur Bus)
Ecolodge Maison Nomade Bed and Breakfast Camino a Caburgua Km. 15, Pucón
Hostal Casa Satya Blanco Encalada 190
Donde German Hostal Las Rosas 590
Elementos Hostel Pasaje Las Rosas 640
Ruka Rayen Palguin Bajo
Hotel Gerónimo B&B Geronimo de Alderete 665
Hostal Tour Pucón O Higgins 555
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