Estás en Chile  Islands of Chile  Queilén 

History of Queilén

Queilén is a commune in the Chiloé Province, located on the Isla Grande de Chiloé, in southern Chile.

Its history dates back to pre-Columbian times, when it was inhabited by the Huilliche people, who called it "Quechquian".

During the time of Spanish colonization, Queilén was an important area for the trade of wood and leather.

In the 20th century, the commune experienced an important development in the salmon industry, which brought with it significant changes in its economy and culture.

Today, Queilén is known for its seafood production and for its beautiful beaches and natural landscapes, which attract tourists from all over the world.

In addition, it is famous for its handicrafts, especially the production of sheep wool fabrics and the manufacture of wicker basketry.

See more about the history of Queilén

Places to visit in Queilén

Tourism notes in Queilén

El Archipiélago de Chiloé y su avifauna

Archipiélago de Chiloé fue catalogado por la prestigiosa revista de viaje “Travel & Leisure”, entre los 50 mejores lugares del mundo para recorrer en el año 2016, por sus atractivos y excelentes lugares para visitar. Ruta Pingüineras y de Delfines se posiciona como uno de los principales atractivos para quienes visiten el Archipiélago de Chiloé. Se puede realizar la navegación por sus innumerables islas e islotes ...
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Más Alojamiento en Queilén:
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Ancud - Isla de Chiloé
Castro - Isla de Chiloé
Chonchi - Isla de Chiloé
Dalcahue - Isla de Chiloé
Isla de Pascua / Hanga Roa
Isla Mocha
Isla Robinson Crusoe
Quellón - Isla de Chiloé
Quemchi - Isla de Chiloé
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