Estás en Chile  Islands of Chile  Quemchi - Isla de Chiloé 

Tourism in Quemchi - Isla de Chiloé

Quemchi is a city located on the east coast of the Island of Chiloé in Chile.

It is known for its picturesque port and the church of Santa María de Loreto, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

It is also the birthplace of the famous Chilean writer Francisco Coloane.

Quemchi is a popular place for sport fishing and for visiting the nearby islands of Mechuque and Las Talcas. The city also has a wide variety of restaurants that offer delicious seafood and typical dishes of the area.

See places to visit in Quemchi - Isla de Chiloé

See also information on Talca.

Places to visit in Quemchi - Isla de Chiloé

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