Estás en Chile  Lakes and Volcanoes  Valdivia 

Overview of Valdivia

Valdivia is a Chilean city located in the Los Ríos region, in the south of the country.

The city is located on the banks of the Calle-Calle River, right where it flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Founded in the 16th century by the Spanish, Valdivia is known for its rich history, culture, and architecture, including colonial buildings, churches, and forts.

The city is also known for its gastronomy, especially its seafood and craft beers. Among its tourist attractions are Fort Niebla, the River Market, the Botanical Garden, Isla Teja and the Saval Park.

To get to Valdivia from Santiago, you can take a flight from the Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport to the Valdivia Airport. It can also be reached by bus from several cities in the country, such as Santiago, Concepción and Puerto Montt.

Regarding its location, Valdivia is located approximately 850 kilometers south of Santiago, on the Pacific coast, in the southern zone of Chile.

The city is surrounded by rivers and lakes, and is located near several national parks, including the Villarrica National Park and the Puyehue National Park.

See more about the location of Valdivia

See also information on Concepción, Puerto Montt y Villarrica.

Places to visit in Valdivia

Tourism notes in Valdivia

Descubre la majestuosidad de los castillos en la región de Valdivia

La región de Valdivia, en el sur de Chile, es conocida por su belleza natural y su rica historia. Entre sus destacados atractivos se encuentran los imponentes castillos que se erigen como testigos silenciosos de épocas pasadas. Estas magníficas fortalezas son un testimonio de la importancia estratégica que tuvo la regi&o...

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